WSeS-6  Wroklaw University of Science and Technology-22,23 September 2017




The 6th workshop of SeS Redox and Catalysis (WSeS-6) will be held in Wroklaw University of Science and Technology in September, celebrating 200 years from the discovery of Selenium. We cordially welcome world-wide participants, including graduate students, to discuss on the cutting edge achievements in the related research areas. The program will contain invited lectures by leading researchers and poster presentations by general participants.

Contact: Professor Elzbieta Wojaczynska



more informations can be downloaded from the web of the University 



Confirmed Speakers



Plenary speakers

Antonio Luiz Braga Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Michael Jonathan Davies University of Cophenagen (Danmark)

Eufrânio N. da Silva Júnior Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Michio Iwaoka Tokay University (Japan)

Eder Lenardao Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Brazil)

Vito Lippolis University of Cagliari (Italy)

Stefano Menichetti University of Florence (Italy)

Claudio Santi University of Perugia (Italy)

Jacek Ścianowski Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun (Poland)

Ludger Wessjohann Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle (Saale) (Germany)

Thomas Wirth Cardiff University (UK)



Invited speakers

Piotr Kiełbasiński CMMS of Polish Academy of Sciences Łódź (Poland)

Francesca Marini University of Perugia (Italy)

Jacek Młochowski Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Grzegorz Mlostoń University of Łódź (Poland)


Selected speakers

Luana Bagnoli University of Perugia (Italy)

Izabella Jastrzębska University of Bialystok (Poland)

Luca Sancineto CMMS of Polish Academy of Sciences Łódź (Poland)

Dorota Krasowska CMMS of Polish Academy of Sciences Łódź (Poland)



International Board


Prof. C. Santi (Chair)

(Univ. of Perugia ITA)



Prof. M.J.Davies 

(Univ. Copenhagen DK)


Prof. J. Drabowicz 

(Univ. of Czestokowa PL)


Prof. M. Iwaoka 

(Univ. of Tokay JP)


Prof. B. Mugesh

(Univ. Bangalore IND)


Prof. R. Radi

(Univ. Montevideo U)


Prof. J.B. Rocha 

(UFSM Santa Maria BR)


Prof. C. Schiesser 

(Selenium Therapeutics AUS)


Prof. E.J. Lenardao

(UFPel Pelotas BR)


Prof. V. Lippolis

(Univ. Cagliari ITA)


Prof. X. Zhao

(Univ. Sun Yat-Sen CHINA)





Dr. Luca Sancineto

Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies in Łódź