“SeS Redox and Catalysis” is an international Network (IN) for the development of multidisciplinary research projects connected to Selenium, Sulfur and other Redox Catalysts. The activity of the network started in 2011 from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Perugia (Italy) and rapidly grew to involve scientists all around world: Australia Brazil, Denmark, Poland, Japan, India, Morocco, China, Serbia, Spain, German, UK. Currently the network is coordinated by an international Board leaded by Prof. Claudio Santi (Italy) and composed by Prof. Carl Schiesser (Australia) Prof. Joao Battista Rocha (Brasil), Prof. Raphael Radi (Uruguay), Prof. Jozef Drabowicz (Poland), Prof. Micho Iwaoka (Japan), Prof. M.J. Davies (Denmark), Prof. B. Mugesh (India), Prof. Eder Joao Lenardao (Brazil) and Prof Vito Lippolis (Italy). The IN is based on the spontaneous aggregation of single groups (G) or local networks (LN) that will have the capacity to share with the other members their interests in this field of research, together with expertise and, when appropriate, infrastructure and facilities.
If you like to be member of the network please ask more information using the form reported below. The participation will be free, the board will work to promote the international relationships, and collaborations between members in order to stimulate the participation in joint projects leading to joint high impact publications, and to realize international exchange programs for students and professors. We are strongly convinced that an interdisciplinary approach will positively contribute to the rapid development of further knowledge in the field of selenium and sulfur derivatives and their role in controlling redox catalysis for chemical as well as pharmaceutical purposes that will also provide important detailed information concerning their role in the biology of the living systems.